All features at a glance.

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 €12/month €24/month €49/monthStarting at€160/month

GDPR compliant, server located in Germany

Listener analytics (IAB 2.1)

Use our professional analytic tools to track success of your podcasts: Episode Plays, Unique Listeners, Top Episodes, Top Podcast Apps and a lot of other useful reports. All our metrics are IAB 2.1 compliant.

Personal contact person

Guaranteed response time

Payment by invoice

Episodes per month


Audio processing (EBU R 128)

We process every episode to make sure your listeners get the best audio quality and your metadata gets attached to the audio file. When enabled, our automatic audio processor applies loudness normalization according to EBU R 128.


Storage space


Average listening time

View average listening time of single podcast episodes.

Episode bounce rates

Find out when listeners bounce from playing back an episode.

Multi-show analytics


Secure RSS feeds

Valid podcast feed for Spotify

Apple Podcasts and iTunes

Amazon Music

Samsung Podcasts

PodcastAddict, Deezer and many more

YouTube uploads per week


Create Headliner audiogram

Alexa Podcast Skill

White label

Alexa Flash Briefing

White label

HTML5 podcast player

White label

Responsive podcast website

White label

Custom domain

Schedule episodes

Replace audio file

Update the audio file of a published episode without interruption.

Chapter Marks

Clone episode details

Private episodes

Private feeds

Named private feed subscribers


Automatic podcast import

Podcast charts

High bitrate audio

160 kbpsCustom

Podcast shows per publisher

Subscriptions are tied to publisher accounts. You can create up to 2 podcast shows per publisher account with the Podcasting+ plan and 3 with the Professional plan. Please contact our sales team for custom limits with the Business plan.


Downloads per month

If your podcasts are so successfull that they reach our download limit, we'll get in touch with you to find a solution that is better suited for your show's growth.


Team members


Friendly support

E-MailE-MailE-MailE-Mail / Phone

Automatic transcription


Dynamic ad-insertion


API (programming interface)

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