Alojamiento podcast para
podcasters en solitario y equipos
Publica tu podcast en menos de 5 minutos.

Publica tu podcast en menos de 5 minutos.
EmpezarCreate feeds for
Apple Podcasts,
Spotify and a lot more Podcast Apps. The HTML5-Player plays your episodes everywhere you embed it.
And in a couple of minutes, you create a custom
Alexa Podcast Skill.
Import your existing podcast with a single click.
Create private feeds that are accessible for certain people only.
Export your content whenever you want.
Our servers are located in Europe, we operate GDPR compliant and
use high available, scalable state of the art technologies.
All your content is SSL encrypted by default.
Activate the self-updating website for your podcast.
Optimized for all devices: Smartphone, desktop and tablets.
Works with your own domain.
Stationista captures IAB 2.1 compliant download metrics and
lets you track the growth of your podcast show in real time.
Our support staff are podcast producers themselves and know
how to help when things are not running as smoothly as expected.
Everything you need. Starting at €12.
Regístrate ahora y comience su prueba gratuita de 14 días.
A selection of organizations and podcasts that trust Stationista.
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We take the hassle out of podcasting.