Alojamiento podcast para
podcasters en solitario y equipos

Publica tu podcast en menos de 5 minutos.


Sea escuchado en todas partes.

Create feeds for , and a lot more Podcast Apps. The HTML5-Player plays your episodes everywhere you embed it.
And in a couple of minutes, you create a custom .

Mantén el control
de su contenido.

Import your existing podcast with a single click.
Create private feeds that are accessible for certain people only.
Export your content whenever you want.

Amigable con la privacidad
proveedor de podcasts.

Our servers are located in Europe, we operate GDPR compliant and
use high available, scalable state of the art technologies.
All your content is SSL encrypted by default.

Sitio web receptivo
de podcasts.

Activate the self-updating website for your podcast.
Optimized for all devices: Smartphone, desktop and tablets.
Works with your own domain.

Todas las estadísticas
sobre un lugar central.

Stationista captures IAB 2.1 compliant download metrics and
lets you track the growth of your podcast show in real time.

Excelente servicio al cliente.

Our support staff are podcast producers themselves and know
how to help when things are not running as smoothly as expected.


Everything you need. Starting at €12.

Become a Stationista.

Regístrate ahora y comience su prueba gratuita de 14 días.

Stationistas en el centro de atención.

A selection of organizations and podcasts that trust Stationista.

    • Let's talk about vibes
    • Inselmilieu Reportage
    • Auf Buchfühlung - der Literaturpodcast
    • Bankverhalen
    • Breakfast Briefings - Der Management Podcast von Business Circle
    • Podcasts von PENNY Deutschland
    • Klingende Zeitgeschichte im Ohr
    • Gut integriert
    • Mein Weg zu bester Gesundheit - der Gesundheitspodcast von SeneCura und OptimaMed
    • Radio Superfly: Club Kultur mit Crazy Sonic
    • Leipzigfach nachgefragt – Der Karrierepodcast der Stadt Leipzig
    • Ostdeutschland erzählt
    • Ganzheitlich erfolgreich im Herzensbusiness mit Leni Schwarzmann
    • Das Kabinengespräch
    • FAMtastisch
    • Kant Talk 2.0
    • Happiness Express - Der Jugendpodcast zum Thema Mental Health
    • Rechtsmedizin - Dichtung und Wahrheit
    • Lust auf Complexes
    • mdwPodcast
    • Selbstbestimmt?!
    • LandAussichten
    • crazy turn - ich bin bipolar
    • MORGENSTERN talks Datenschutz
    • Verhandlungssache
    • Von Bullen und Bären
    • BDA-Denklabor – Der Architekturpodcast
    • Der Erntehelfer Podcast
    • NÖ JungforscherInnen Kalender 2023
    • Conscious Consulting Podcast
    • Zweimaldreimachtvier
    • Ondernemerslust
    • Talking Culture
    • Richard Kaan Podcast
    • JurisDictions
    • POPCAST – Aktuelle Musik aus Deutschland
    • House of African Feminisms

We are proud that our podcast hosting service was mentioned in:

El equipo detrás.

We take the hassle out of podcasting.

  • Christian Nowak

    Loves creating unique experiences.
  • Nancy Mertins

    A creative mind that has great ideas.
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